Laurie Tuttle Dog Training

                                   A Well Trained Dog Starts at the Human end of the leash.

Phone: 219-776-7312

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Laurie Tuttle, CPDT-KA

Certified Professional Dog Trainer

Canine Behavioral Services and Dog Training

© Copyright 2015-2025

Laurie Tuttle Dog Training LLC

Dothan, AL

Phone: (219) 776-7312

Located in Dothan, Alabama

About Me...

Since I was a child, animals have been an important part of my life. We always had a lot of animals growing up. In the pack of farm animals and exotics were our Dobermans. That's where it all started for me.

When I was much younger, my mother used to train her Dobermans for obedience competitions. I remember going with her to class, with my coloring books in tow. I often think back to how fascinated I was that a huge group of dogs in the class could all do the same commands at the exact same time.

Fast forward to several years later. My mom wanted to get us involved in 4H. I mean we had the animals to do it, right? When I found out that they had dog training I was excited to try it out. My parents ended up getting another Dobe that was just a little on the crazy side. I don't think she made mom's training cut, so I got her as a obedience drop out!

I may have not won many awards with her, but boy did I learn a few things. She out weighed me and I had to do all in my power to get her to walk nicely. I know I have been dragged through a few mud puddles. She was also a very smart and stubborn(fearful) dog. No one in the house could make her listen. I spent a lot of my time figuring out what made her listen or act up. We developed a loving bond and a mutual understanding. Sad to say I was the only one who could put up with her antics. I will never forget the first dog I trained. Trekkie, paved the way for all future dogs that came through our home.

So fast forward to adulthood...

In my early 20's I fell in love with Miniature Pinschers and fell in love with training all over again, exploring all the different sports we could do.

My 30's brought me my first Pit mix, Zoey, started my behavior training journey. This poor little sick Pittie, with a zest for life, but also many issues to start. She has been my greatest teacher by far and my greatest joy and still is.

Since then, I have been training and showing dogs in Conformation, Obedience, Rally, and Agility for 15 plus years. I worked for many years as a vet tech where I also offered help with behavior consults and training. I was a trainer at a big PetStore for 5 years. During that time I promoted to Area trainer; educating and training new trainers.

In 2015 I finally moved on to my own home business; where I held group classes and did In Home training for students and their pets. In just 2 short years we grew so much we opened up a in a new location in St. John(Indiana) and welcomed 2 new trainers.

Then 2020 hit, and there have been a lot of changes since then....

In January of 2023 I moved myself, the pups, and the business to Dothan, Alabama. After carefully planning the last few years, I made a long awaited move to the south!

I am looking forward to planting roots here and bringing my services to the area!

I hold a certification from the Council of Certified Professional Dog Trainers(CCPDT). Every 3 years I log a minimum of 36 education credits to keep my Certification valid. I am a member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers and an AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator. I have certifications for countless seminars that I have attended over the years for training, aggression training, etc.

I am currently working on continuing my many dreams and furthering my career in dogs. Always learning, always growing.

I share my home with a few Pittie mix rescues and a Min Pin. All of my dogs have trained in Competition Rally, Agility, or Tricks at some point. Some are now getting older and are enjoying a quieter life style but we always continue to work on the fun things they know and improving behavior. As behavior training can always have areas to improve!

Updated Sept 2024.